The Power of Faith

When I read Sonia Rafeek’s award winning, beautiful, debut novel, ‘Herbarium’, many years before, I was charmed. The story was of a very smart 9 year old boy, who unexpectedly loses his mother and ends up knowing her in Mother Nature. The book is part of the B.A. syllabus of a University too. I felt that every child and parent would benefit from the simple, heartfelt, kind wisdom in its pages.

The journey from liking a book to translating it, is comparitively easy, I would say. It is a question of trust -as in all relationships- between the partners, in creative effort. The saga of publication, however, can be a different ballgame altogether! The journey to publication has taken us many years; but we have reached our destination , wiser for the lessons learnt.

The greatest lesson for me: the power of faith.

‘Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.’ (Matthew 7:7)

The timing of course, depends on that Higher Power. He knows, when and where a project attains fruition. Our duty is to perform and leave the results to Him.

And based on my own life journey, let me say confidently, that the power of faith is truly divine. I have received so much, that it has left me overwhelmed. And I pray that I continue to deserve the wondrous Grace.

This is a note of gratitude:

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances…’

In Adhyatma Ramayana, in the Malayalam interpretation, there is a line which echoes the same…

Nadakkumbozhum, irikkumbozhum, oridetthu kidakkumpozhum, bhujikumpozhum, ennu venda, nana karmangalanushittikumbol, sada kalam, manase, bhavadroopam, thonnenam dayanidhe!’

Roughly translated it goes:

When I walk, sit, lie down at a place, eat..indeed, when I do any action, may your divine form shine in my heart, unceasingly, dear Lord of Compassion!

I dedicate the success of our dream unto Your feet.


Cloaked In Words, This New Year…

I have been fortunate to translate the works of three brilliant writers over the past few years. Three books of V.J.James have been published by Penguin Random House : Anti-Clock, Nireeswaran and Dattapaharam. We are hoping to see ‘The Book of Exodus’ published this new year. Sheela Tomy’s book, ‘Do not ask the river her name’, will be out this year too. And I sincerely hope that Sonia Rafeek’s two beautiful books, ‘Herbarium’ and ‘House of Girls’ will find suitable homes soon. Perhaps, V.J.James’s Laika and One Legged Crow will grace the bookshelves of readers without much delay too.

From my own writer’s kitty, I am looking forward to seeing ‘Lanka Kanda’ published and a book of cartoons/graphics with pithy reflections , titled, ‘Wisdom@ 50’: what I have garnered during my life journey till now.

Time to say gratitude to the Lord. And it is time to thank all the men and women, whose words have made my life more meaningful, the past year.

Bless you all.